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12 Years Old


- Accesses and communicates with the world around them using a variety of tools

- Beginning to manage self, others and resources 

- Aware of age appropriate issues in the world

- Solution focused - understands how to use a design processes to create solutions to problems

- Can run a small business based on the principles of a social enterprise

- Becoming financially literate

- Aware of, and beginning to measure impact


20-30 years old

- Is aware of issues in the world, and actively finds solutions to problems

- Runs or works for a social enterprise

- Is financially literate

- Can utilise the skills and strengths of others to form strong teams and networks

- Lives ethically, and acts on convictions

- Is actively involved in local events, activities and initiatives

- Volunteers time, skills and resources to support positive impact initiatives

- Is able to manage self, others and resources

- Lives consciously, and cares about their impact


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