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Our approach to teaching and learning equips our children to grow into well-rounded humans, to contribute to community and to know their impact


We have designed our approach to education around key anchors of wellbeing. We believe that these anchors are fundamental to nurturing the kinds of human beings who go on to shape better society.


We think about the world that we live in, and the world that our children will inherit in the future. This informs the decisions we make about the issues we tackle with our children, the knowledge and skills they need, the projects they work on, and the people they meet along the way.  



Core Competencies

We equip our children with the basics so they can access, and participate in the world.



Financial Literacy

Digital Literacy

Emotional Literacy


Project-based Learning

We equip our children to understand the world they live in, and to create solutions to problems.

Scientific Investigation

Human-centred Design

Historical Context

Critical Thinking




Digital Technologies

Creative Arts


Community Connectedness

We equip our children to collaborate with others, and to understand their impact.


Conflict Resolution

Decision Making

Project Management

Cognitive bias

Ethical Thinking

Systems Thinking

Our Anchors of Wellbeing

1. Purpose & Meaning

2. Personal Growth

3. Self-Awareness

4. Helping Others

5. Social Integration

Our educational philosophy is informed by a range of established theories and models. 
An informed approach

5-Ways of


The 5-Ways of Wellbeing shape our children to be healthy, well-rounded citizens who effectively integrate and contribute to society. 


We believe that living with a sense of purpose and meaning enhances wellbeing, and so we aim to equip our children to live meaningful lives.


5-Ways of Wellbeing:

> Be self-aware

> Keep growing

> Connect with others

> Help others

> Be active







Human-centred Design

The Human-centred Design process equips our children to solve real problems.

Human-centred Design:

Empathise - Understand the people who experience the problem.

> Define - Clarify the problem and the key actions.

> Ideate - Brainstorm lots of possible solutions.

> Prototype - Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for testing.

> Test and Iterate - Test the MVP, get feedback and make changes.

> Launch - The final product is delivered to real people, in the real world. 









Social Enterprise 


The Social Enterprise Principles equip our children to build stronger community


We want our children to go on to pursue their passions, and to use their skills to support and create initiatives that build better society.


Social Enterprise Principles:

> Be values/cause-driven

> Have a strong sense of social and environmental purpose

> Reinvest the majority (at least 51%) of profit/surplus to build better community.






The Growth Mindset Principles build resilience and a love of learning in our children. 


Our entire teaching and learning program is built on the foundations of Growth Mindset principles. Rather than benchmarking our children, we focus on goals and growth. We believe that when children see their growth, they are intrinsically motivated to keep learning. 


Growth Mindset Principles:

> Challenges and mistakes are an opportunity for growth

> With practise and effort comes improvement

> Feedback helps us get better 

> Taking risks helps us grow

> Positive self-talk helps us persevere and persist, 'I can't do it yet'


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